
First week of funky fingers 👍

Hello everyone and welcome to my new blog, Rock My Classroom!  I know it looks a bit bare, but I’m not the most technically apt, so please bear with me while I find my way!

I decided to set up a blog because I am constantly inspired by images I see shared online by other early years bloggers and thought I might give it a whirl myself.

One thing I was keen to set up in my Reception class this year was a funky fingers table, so to start off I’m going to share this element of my provision with you all.  Future topics will include using an online assessment app and developing my outdoor area.  Ok here goes…

image Day 1 & 2 some marble sorting on an upturned ikea bath mat

image Days 3, 4 & 5 – Pom Pom sorting with differentiated tools – tweezers, tongs and starter chopsticks. I daren’t remove this after 2 days. The children loved it and turned it into an ice cream parlour!

image Gloop and powder paint exploration. Of course they were more into the colour mixing and investigating the texture than writing their names in it!

image Powder paint and shaving foam. I needed to add a drop of water to this because it was quite dry to begin with. It made the most wonderful mousse like texture. Even with aprons the kids were filthy 😄

That’s all for now folks. Until next time ✨

18 thoughts on “First week of funky fingers 👍

  1. Priya says:

    Alison, you’re amazing! Good luck & I look forward to seeing what’s next!

    Pree x

    p.s. I soooo want to try funky fingers!


  2. lindsy says:

    Lovely blog keep going ….will be pinching your marble and bath mat idea.I’ve done it with pom poms and pipettes before but I know a certain little boy will love using marbles again

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you so much everyone. Really touched by the well wishes. I am obsessed with Pinterest Kelli. Just in the middle of trying to open a business account because my personal account has all my wedding planning etc on there which I want to hold onto for sentimental reasons! It’s going to take a while to repin my 1700 pins though so bear with me!!


  4. Natalie says:

    Some brilliant ideas. Fine and gross motor covered. As an OT, it’s so rewarding to see. Keep up the amazing work. Nat


  5. Lynsey Lightfoot says:

    Brilliant!! Was also gonna say as an OT think this is fab!!! Are you feeling the OT love, hehe!! ☺Look forward to seeing more xx


  6. Becca says:

    The activity ideas are wonderful. I imagine that the resources for all of these wonderful ideas is quite costly. If I did this, my setting would not be able to keep up financially and would not be pleased that I was buying so much! In order to provide the children with all of these resources, I’d have to buy the items out of my own wages. How do you manage the cost?


    • Every half term we send home a small envelope and a note asking all parents to send in a £3 class fund contribution. We buy a lot of resources with this fund. We were also very lucky to get quite a healthy budget from our head teacher every year as she understands the importance of quality resources and how these need to be frequently replenished. I’ll admit that I spend quite a bit of my own money too, but when I move schools I take whatever is mine, so have gathered up a great wee stash over the years!


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